Leopardi, an italian poet of the XIX century.
The infinite
Always to me beloved was this lonely hillside
And the hedgerow creeping over and always hiding
The distances, the horizon’s furthest reaches.
But as I sit and gaze, there is an endless
Space still beyond, there is a more than mortal
Silence spread out to the last depth of peace,
Which in my thought I shape until my heart
Scarcely can hide a fear. And as the wind
Comes through the copses sighing to my ears,
The infinite silence and the passing voice
I must compare: remembering the seasons,
Quiet in dead eternity, and the present,
Living and sounding still. And into this
Immensity my thought sinks ever drowning,
And it is sweet to shipwreck in such a sea. |
Sempre caro mi fu quest’ermo colle,
E questa siepe, che da tanta parte
Dell’ultimo orizzonte il guardo esclude.
Ma sedendo e mirando, interminati
Spazi di là da quella, e sovrumani
Silenzi, e profondissima quiete
Io nel pensier mi fingo; ove per poco
Il cor non si spaura. E come il vento
Odo stormir tra queste piante, io quello
Infinito silenzio a questa voce
Vo comparando: e mi sovvien l’eterno,
E le morte stagioni, e la presente
E viva, e il suon di lei. Così tra questa
Immensità s’annega il pensier mio:
E il naufragar m’è dolce in questo mare. |
The last week of October Mari and me went to the Ribeira do Cavallo, a wonderful and wild cove near Sesimbra.
Here you can feel the power of the ocean and the armony of the nature:
the wind that caress your hair,
the sun that kisses your face,
the waves that hugs you,
the sand that tickles your feet.
I climbed up the rock in the middle of the beach, and I felt like a pirate that was watching his next challange :D
Can you find me?
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It's very easy to go there from Corroios: you have to take the tst bus to Sesimbra and from there you have to walk for 40 minutes following google maps. Maybe it's a little hard but for this reason there are few people and you can stay quiet.. What are you waiting for?