São Miguel

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Last weekend we went for a trip to São Miguel – the biggest and the most popular island of Açores. São Miguel is located almost in the middle way from Portugal to America – in the middle of Atlantic Ocean. Being there I had the feeling that this island is quite isolated from the rest of the world. For sure it´s a perfect place to rest, take a deep breath and enjoy the untouched nature.

I need to admit that it´s one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. In São Miguel you´ll find a lot of viewpoints with stunning view for the coast, black beaches and super-green landscapes.

Some parts of the island look like a jungle – for example Caldeira Velha which is the national park with many tropical plant species and waterfalls. The island offers also natural thermal pools formed because of the volcanic eruption with water at about 39 degrees!


What suprised me a lot is that in Açores you can find the oldest and currently the ONLY one tea plantation in Europe.

São Miguel is different from any other places I´ve visited before – it amazed me with breathtaking views and the nature which seems to be not so discovered and still untouched by tourists.