Adventure in Amarante

In last week we were on EVS Camp in Amarante. It was a amazing experience! We have a lot of workshops, conference and activities with others volunteering from Portugal.

Amarante is a small town located around 60 km from Porto. First day discovered this town in an extraordinary way. In small gropus we  had to complete chellenges and take pictures that you can see below. It was a great fun and the best way to know each other. In the evening we had  fair trade workshops. We also got some infomration about the inviting organization. Volunteers from the Youth Centes  organize workshops in schools, help the local community. They also support a local farm.

Next day we took part in Conference about the Erasmus and volunteering program. It was also the 10th anniversary of Youth Center.In this way we celebrated the international volunteering day. In the afternoon we made a flashmob in the city center. During our stay were also  other activites. For example yoga worshops and many games.         

 This camp was really an amazing experience! I met a lof of volunnteers and enjoyed adventure.