Celebrating summer Solstice

Olá! Tudo bem? Before I manage to blink- it is new week already, and June is almost over. Last couple of days were very rich in grounding and beautiful moments, they filled my heart and my soul. I had some insightful conversations with strangers while waiting for a bus (they are almost always late btw). People here are so kind (or maybe I look extremely lost, probably both are true).

To end our working week on a positive note and to welcome new volunteers we threw a picnic in park nearby. We had fruits and homemade meals, Sun was shining, but shadow was welcoming us so nicely and tenderly. 

On Saturday, while I was slowly discovering nooks of Lisbon, I’ve encountered these babies!. They were totally unbothered, chilling next to a tree, talking among themselves without any concern. People were constantly taking pictures of them (myself included), but there was not a single moment when they were scared. At least I hope so. Silly little (almost!) geese.

To celebrate weekend and youth and the fact that after all we are in Portugal, our flat decided to have a enby-girl trip to Belém. Sarah took us to the famous place where they sell Pastéis de Belém and let me tell you- excellent is the word Im looking for. It turns out Im such a big fan of pastry!!!!

It was truly a lovely day, we saw a crab (he was more that lovely), had time to sit and chill next to the river and look for jellyfish (they scare me). Anyway, the foto is cursed, but so was I while eating it (hungry doesn’t really describe the state I was in, I devoured it like Saturn his son).

The crab himself. He was surprisingly fast.

I had some big and ambitious plans to celebrate the longest day of the year, but when 21st of June was finally here, I didn’t really have any energy. Portuguese weather is really taking it’s toll on me, and my body is tired most of the time. Simultaneously, it teaches me that there is nothing wrong in resting. In saying no, and going to sleep at 11pm. Im allowing myself to just be. No expectations, no rules.

So my Solstice was rather slow. I cooked a delicious, nutritious meal, I went for a very short barefoot walk while adoring flowers in my neighborhood. At night I participated in a writing class facilitated by Fariha Róisín.

Maybe it’s time to stop grinding all the time, and just slow down? We will see.

Drink your water,

Anastas (they/them)