My journey in Hospital

I knew better days than this one, I woke up one morning with excruciating pains in the lower back and in the left arm, up to the point where raising the arm was impossible for me just to dress.

So I warned Nuno of the situation, of the fact that I could not come to the association today and if it was possible that I was taken to the doctor to consult and especially to know if it was not serious.

In view of the location of my pains Nuno did not want to take any risk and brought me directly to the hospital to check that everything is in its place and works properly in the machine that is my body.

And this is the most interesting start in history, so we took the road from the house, towards the hospital by car, once arrived on the spot, the beginning of the search for a valuable parking space begins, after several laps without having found anything, Nuno told me to go down and wait for him until he found one (it reminds me strangely what my great father did when I accompanied him when I was younger).

Once the recording was done, I was taken to a waiting room to wait for a doctor to take me in order to osculter me.

After 1 or 2 hours of waiting my name is called to the speakers present in the room, I rush into a room where the doctor examines me and asks me questions, fortunately the track of cardiac discomfort is discarded, She therefore forbids me an injection of muscle relaxant.

A nurse takes me to another room where I wait for my turn to be administered the injection, they come to get me by shouting my name, so I am the nurse, she pricks me with a huge syringe.

After receiving the injection I was again made to wait in the same waiting room as at the beginning of the recit.

After waiting 30 minutes for the injection to work, I went back to see the doctor, result, just muscle inflammation and a treatment to follow for two weeks.