uma semana de descoberta

Hello everyone, we are here for my second blog.

For my first weekend in Portugal, Saturday after my day in association I played with the children from neighborhood in football in next to my apartment. It was funny because the children don´t speak in English and my I don’t understand when they speak in Portuguese with me.

Sunday, then went to buy food for the week, then I got ready to eat, often I eat outside because I like to get some fresh air. So, I sit down outside  to eat, and I meet Djadjuma, a guy I met at the gym, very friendly. he told me that he lives right next door and that if I wanted, I could stay with him to meet his friends.

I have past my day with him, and I have met his friends. we have spoken in English like with David who is my new friend. I appreciate this man because he is very nice. we have listened to French music all together.  I stayed with the group until early evening then returned to the apartment.

Monday when I was up, David had sent me a message to go out with him. I´m go outside with David and I meet his best friend. We were in his house, we exchanged our cultures, we talked about our different countries.

Then we have walked to join other friends with who I was able to communicate in English and it was interesting. I was able to learn more about how young people lived here, what they did with their lives and how they occupied it.

Mimi showed me how to make pins for Thursday for the institute Piaget. So, Thursday I had a pin´s workshop with Mimi for middle school students but there were also other workshops such as sewing, computers or even 3d printers. It was my first workshop with Rato and it was very good, the day is past quickly it was a good first experience, have an exchange with other people and interest people in what we offer them.

I was able to do a second workshop on Saturday with Nuno in a college where the association was highlighted. I look forward to being able to do another workshop and to have new experience.


See you soon Théo.