The last

The time has also come for me to write my last article. The only thing I have to say is: thank you. You welcomed me, giving me the opportunity to explore a new reality and meet people from different situations and countries. The first thing you asked me was, “What would you like to do here?” and that impressed me. You have allowed me to contribute in a meaningful way to what I would like to do in the future.


Thank you for helping me overcome many of my limitations. A year ago, or even a few months ago, I would never have imagined speaking completely in English in a video, let alone in a podcast. Yet here I am, I started recording podcasts and I have enjoyed them so much.


Thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate in different activities and to get to know you as an organization and as individuals. Although you are not like many other organizations, you are special for that very reason. You should believe in yourselves a little more, because you can do a lot.


To those reading this article, a word of advice: if you have the chance, go away. Have these experiences, meet people, explore cultures, laugh, cry, dance and travel. It is important to have these experiences before you officially become an adult. The people you meet and the places you visit will make you realize how crucial it is to have these adventures. Fear is normal and often stops us, as does homesickness, but don’t let it stop you. Use these emotions as motivation to get going.


Thank you, Rato, for making me realize what I want to do in life. It may sound exaggerated, but last year when I applied, I didn’t know where I wanted to be in the world. During and after this experience, and thanks to each of you, I realized what I want in the work and who I want near me.


We will see each other again soon!


A kiss,


Miss Mozzarella, Marmota, Giulia