Mr 5%

So yeah, probably the Santaclaus look-a-like in the thumbnail caught your attention and you now find yourself reading about Calouste Gulbenkian.

The guy was a British-Armenian businessman and philanthropist. Businessman for sure, philanthropist I am not too sure about: let’s say he’s one of the reasons behind all the conflicts over petroleum in middle east (he played a major role in connecting middle east resources with the western world and was the first exploiter of Iraqi’s oil ), not too far-sighted uhm bro??
Anywaaaays  he did some nice thing here and there, establishing schools, hospitals and churches. He also requested for the creation of a private foundation based in Portugal that aims to promote arts, charity, education and science throughout the world.

Then you may ask yourself why Mr 5%? His share in the newly founded Turkish Petroleum Co. was 5% and this made him one of the wealthiest individual, can’t really blame the guy..

Last weekend Ricardo and me went checking out the foundation and the museum, located in Lisbon. Even though the building is really peculiar, it is still pleasing to the eye. There is an incredible garden all around the main structure and an open-air auditorium (it was full of people on Sunday due to a concert). The museum holds a large variety of artefacts and paintings from different parts of the world and different eras. 



Deffo would suggest a visit, keep in mind the free entrances on first Sundays of each month.

Ate breve,