Here I am taking with me during my first week in Almada!
I finally know the name of the town where I live in and I start to understand how the public transportation works (but that’s definitely a work in progress).
A typical tram in Lisbon
During my first week I started to work at the office, trying to find out as much as I can about the place. I’m slowly getting used to the time and organization here. It might seems strange, but one hour of difference from Italy creates some challenges to my Circadian rhythm. Furthermore, Portuguese people wake up later and then they go to bed later at night. This small difference is not easy to overcome for a routine-based person like me!
Anyways… I begun some videos about Java, they should be published on the YouTube channel soon or late. I still have to decide all the topics, for now I did a very simple introduction to it. I thought that the best way to handle this was by explaining how to print a message, how to work with variables etc… I have to say that I’m enjoying this activity, at least for now, with that I mean that it seems a very repetitive work and I’m someone that get bored way too easily.