Since, like all good things, my 2 months here are ending so for this project’s last update (subtle foreshadowing) I want to focus on a reflection of my time here.
But before focusing on the sappy things…to make things feel less sad I’m gonna sprinkle this article here and there with a collection of photos and videos from our visit to the Oceanário de Lisboa.
Hope you enjoy.
Last week I successfully escaped the podcast. Unfortunately for me, this just means that I have to record it tomorrow. Pray for me…
But let’s go back to what I was saying at the beginning of the article: deep stuff.
Last week during our tour of Almada, while Laura was showing us places we could go, I felt a pang of jealousy and nostalgia in my stomach, since I won’t have the time for all these beautiful things. The feeling was short lived though since Justyna told me exciting news.
So, as promised, here’s a reflection on the little time I spent here:
As I’m writing this I’ve been re-reading the past reports I wrote, and it’s almost comical how terrified and nervous I felt at the beginning and how accustomed I am now to this place, routine and people. I’m so accustomed that I think I’ll actually need time to readjust in Florence insead of the other way around.
When I first arrived I felt like I needed to be extra cautious with all I was doing, now I feel fully comfortable in my surroundings and the work that I’m doing: I came with the idea of exploring areas of engineering I knew little about, and I’m going away having discovered an enjoyment in pedagogical work. So much that every time there’s the need to support an activity I’m throwing myself at the opportunity, even when the cost is jumping portuguese class (I love Herminia and I know I said repetita iuvant, but repetita after a while it’s also boring. Also I feel like lately I’ve been learning more on these occasions).
Goodbye (Maybe for not too long…),
PS. I know it’s not the end, just let me be a bit dramatic, we’ve already been over this so cut me some slack.