It feels as if this one week has taken the passage of two, despite not much of substance actually happening. Even my friends say that this year so far has felt like the “longest year ever”, and that by the end of March it’ll feel as if we’ll have already lived till 2028.

Sofia left Monday morning and the house quieted down for a few days. A similar stillness overtook the office as well, as Nuno, Tiago and Carlos were absent, gone on a journey to Latvia for an international exchange. It took us till Wednesday to bond back together, and for Giulia and Simon and I to go out for burgers and a few drinks. From that moment onward, though, the week turned to be more pleasant. As the days passed slower than usual, we found little moments in-between our work to chat carelessly about whatever it is that crossed our minds and to make little quips at one another among the people still present at work. We still stayed busy, of course, all of us working so diligently that the office often became engulfed entirely in pure silence. But I feel like amongst the subdued crackle of our keyboards and the humming of our computers there was an unnoticed sense of comfort and togetherness that seeped into us and helped drive us further with our work.

I finished what I would call the alpha version of the game this week. All the planned functionality and systems have been fully implemented; the only thing that’s lacking now is the content and visual design, as currently the game is filled with many repeating placeholder assets. I feel happy with the progress so far, and I am excited for the project going further. The groundwork that we’ve laid thus far seems really promising, so I’m looking forward to seeing where we take it.

I’ve had the pleasure of seeing both Simon’s and Giulia’s work as well. In Simon’s case I’ve actually been privy to it since the early stages. He’s been sharing it more with me recently as he’s also nearing some level of completion, and I have to admit that his project has really come a long way. He’s been very focused on it as of late – even so far as to leave our coffee break early to get back to working on it – and I can understand his rightful enthusiasm for it. On the other hand, it seems Giulia is getting closer and closer to realizing the best way in which she could conduct her workshop while still keeping it in line with her initial ideas and approach behind it. I hope I get to see more from her, as I actually secretly find it kind of interesting…

All I can hope for now, though, is that sooner or later time will tell, regardless of how fast or slow it might be ticking.