Goodbye portugal (at last)

this is my last post in this blog, not that I wrote a lot in it 🙂
So it’s supposed to be a reflexion time looking back on my experience…
maybe I will start with the bad points (I will end with te good ones 🙂 ).
It has been my worst flat-sharing experience ever, I suppose we were the wrong people to put under the same roof. I’m convince that it was not a cultural but a person problem and I hope for you (as I suppose you readers are the new volunteers) that your experience will be better than mine. I suppose it will with mum justyna and dad ville, a perfect little family 😀
An other bad point is that I really feel that stuck myself in this “great evs strangers community”. I really enjoyed it a lot, I met a lot of great people but in the end I didn’t as many portuguese than I thought. So an other wise advice : try to meet as many portuguese as you can, It may be difficult but I’m sure it’s worth it (I suppose 🙂 )
For the good points, the work was really great. I feel I have been able to make my project personnal. Nuno trusted my (and émilie’s) opinion in the different project we were allways able to express ourselves, even when we desagreed it was heard.
Portugal was great, great weather, contryside, beaches, towns, caïpirinhas, cakes, chicken, fishes, porco preto (hummmm), people (of course:D), dogs, ants, zebra crossing… and so on.
I suppose I could say more but this is allready a lot more than everything I wrote for all the year.
Have a good evs in portugal
beijinhos para todos