Tu gostas frango?

In the Netherlands we only celebrate carnaval in the south and because I am from the north,
I wanted to celebrate it in Portugal. My friend from Portugal invited me to come with him and his family to the party.
At diner-time the mother picked me up and she asked in portugues if I like frango (cock). I was pretty hungry so I said: yes, yes! So we drove to the grandmother and when we came in, there was a costume of a frango. The mother smiled and said: tu gostas frango, sim? (you like cock, right?). So I said: well, not that much. She said: don’t worry, this one is for me. I have another costume for you at home. I was relieved and we went back to there home. There she came enthusiastic with two costumes: a cow and a pig. Great, so it can be worse, I was thinking. I asked: Uh, do you have something else than animals? Yes, she had… So here I am like a waiter: