Shine a little light on me

It was very late in the evening, when I had to return to Corroios. I decided to sleep at a friends house in Almada (near Lisbon). Before we went to bed, we drink a cup of tea. The next morning I have to get up early, because of my work in the school. Marion and her roommates will stay in the bed, I would find the way out by myself. Marion explains how the door works and says: it makes a little noise, but we sleep through it.
The next morning I wake up. I walk softly through the house and go to the bathroom. Gently I walk into the room and pack my stuff. I walk to the door and open it with policy, no sound, great. I am standing in the hall and it is very dark. I see on my leftside the lightbutton and I press it: TRRRRRRRRRRRRING. F*ck, that was not a lightbutton, but the bell. Probably everyone is sitting up in their bed now. I hear the neighbor screaming something in a gentle, loud way. I close the door and walk into the hall. The light turns on automatically. Right, sometimes it’s not easy to integrate in a country.