As primeiras impressões


My name is Artem and I am a new volunteer from Ukraine. I feel very happy to come here and to start my EVS project.
I am 25 years old, I like studying foreign languages and foreign countries. The topic of my project attracts me very much because it is dedicated to the promotion of computer technologies and our future belongs to the information society. As you can see not all the Ukrainians who arrive to Portugal are blond-haired builders 🙂
After a long trip from another side of European continent which took me about a day finally I arrived to Portugal, I was impressed very much by the Portuguese weather. It is a true spring here and I´m feeling like in April. Another positive thing is Portuguese restaurants. The dishes served there are so delicious and they are really big!
The only thing which is difficult to get accustomed is the temperature inside, ´cause it is really cold. I go outside in order to warm myself 🙂
I hope to discover a lot of new things here during my stage and to make my own contribution into the International cooperation.
These were my first impressions based on 2 days stage, but, for sure, next time I will write more and more:)