Março Jovem III

This weekend we get to know some styles of music we would never have thought of 😉
On Friday we were in Seixal (after walking 45 minutes from our home in Paio Pires because of some people that like missing busses) at a gothic concert of the Dead Poets, very interesting, never saw gothic music before.. and will maybe never do it again 🙂 No, it wasn’t that bad, if you like that kind of music, I guess. And i prefered it compared to Saturday…


…there we were in Almada at a concert of Moonspell. Who doesn’t know them, it’s the most important metal band of Portugal and, as I found out, they are famous in the rest of Europe, as well (actually they’re playing many concerts in Germany, thank God not in Austria ;)). The only band more famous here is, I guess, Rammstein 🙂 (by the way, it’s because of the song “Sonne” that some Portuguese are able to count until ten in German…) but back to the concert – I really didn’t like it – we were leaving after half an hour because of Kati and me 😉 but I spoke to people who like that kind of music and they said it was a great concert. So i guess it just depends on what music you like! Nevermind, was great fun to watch the other persons there 😉 But I’m for sure it was the last Metal concert for a loooong loooong time…

>> Who wants to see that? <<