Home sweet home

So, I´m back from my little holiday in Germany 🙂

Well, it was a little bit strange coming back after seven month in a developed country, but it was so nice seeing all my trees again, which I really missed here in Portugal. 😀

Ok, it was also great seeing my family and all my friends again 😉
But when I came back there it was really like the time was standing still in the last month…
All in all I had a great time, seeing all my friends again and going with them to partys, bars and to disco :)) And they really organized a welcome-party for me, which ended a little bit bad, because of the “Schnaps-Bowle”one of my friends made… 😉

At the end I also met with my whole family, which was also really nice, but after a whole weekend with all of them it was quite nice coming back to Portugal 😉