OLÁ I’m Donato,
I am from Italy and …Estou feliz por estar aqui! 🙂

Exactly I live in south of ItIMG_20150107_131756[1]aly and my town is Altamura, near Bari.

I’m so excited for this project called “UMA CHANCE PARA TODOS” and I’m very grateful to RATO to start this work experience

One of my striking features is the ability to adapt to new environments, to always put into play myself to meet new challenges, even if they do not fit with my studies. My interest is to enrich the knowledge on Information Technology and Networking. My goal is to transform this knowledge into expertise necessary to deal with any request.

I think the ideal working structure is represented by a dynamic environment on the start-up model, both whether it is a corporate structure for small, medium or large company. Nothing better than Rato organization!

Be confronted with new people so different from my way of thinking I’m sure will enrich my back-ground, my language skills, but above all I will improve the way I deal with life every day, embracing new cultures!

Now I speak a little bit about my hobbies: I love music, and cultivate a passion for acting indeed I’m part of a theatre company
The most exciting thing that happened to me it was Acting with disabled children, it was so amazing experience which has revolutionized my thinking about those who are different from us, who have other habits, other uses, hobbies, colors, but often more special than me.

I think that ‘Diversity’, whether it is about the social, physical or cultural status, it is like crossroads, there is no middle way, you can chose between help and indifference and even though we know too often it inspires hatred and violence; it is the one thing that makes fall in love!