7 Months 7 Words

Olááá a todos, mais uma vez!1!1

Gostaria de escrever em português e sou melhor nisso de que falar mas I do not want to cheat (I did not look it up) 🙂 Yes, I can write in Portuguese but my vocabulary is still not that good enough for writing what I would like to tell completely. Otherwise, I can write the same short sentences in Portuguese like those had been written on the blog by others. Anyway, let´s start mine..

The title is not so obvious, neither related to the featured image of Ronaldo, without explanation but it will be very soon. I just put his picture since his pictures appear when somebody says 7 🙂 I just came from the Portuguese class that is given by lovely Herminia and this appeared in my mind. I could not resist not to write about it. I have been meeting some people and one of them was shocking for me about the language. I also told her that I would write and mention about this occasion every where hahah.

At my mid-term training, the trainers asked to write our the most favorite word and one girl did not and asked if it was obligatory. Trainers said it was not but did not she have one? She went further and explained that she does not know almost any Portuguese words. All people turned around and asked how long time she had been in Portugal. She replied as 7 months. We went further in daze, “and you do not know any words?” She said she only knows 5 words and she could complete these 5 words with our help. She went on like ” But we are in the heart of Lisbon and all people speaks English, she had some neighbors and she uses translation and that’s why bla bla. I said come on, even if you are deaf, you could learn “olá, bom dia, boa tarde, boa noite, bom almoço, tudo bem, bem-vindo, obrigado, de nada, tchau, por favor, comboio, carro, autocarro, cerveja, vinho, arroz, maça, água, leite, days and months, merda, caralho, fodes etc. You do not know even tudo bem?” she said no. Seriously, no joke! 



I am not still good enough but at least in case the person does not know any English, I am confidently communicate and tell what I want or response to help, giving my orders in Portuguese, asking things in Portuguese etc. I am trying to learn as much as possible even if I am not spending enough time to learn more. If a person spends one hour a day for a year, I am sure that person would start speaking good enough to communicate daily topics in a local language. As I wrote, even if you are a deaf, you can learn at least 50 very common words in 7 months. If you say you do not know how to say bread, water, milk, cheese, tea, coffee, thank you, sorry, excuse me in a language of the country you spent your months, you can not expect any person to show any respect, sorry! And sorry not sorry 🙂 

So, I already left more than 7 words above but I will write again some of the most common daily words in any language that you must learn before you visiting any country for really short time even if for only touristic purposes. 


bom dia,

boa tarde,

boa noite,

tudo bem,


de nada,

por favor, 

com licença,




até ja,

até amanhã,

até logo. 



