Sobre este blogue
Julho 10, 2006
The sadest moment of EVS
Julho 9, 2006
Festa Despedida…
…the comment is not necessary.
Junho 20, 2006
Cheguei a tempo…
…e finalmente uma grande parte do trabalho do Ville esta documentado.
Junho 5, 2006
I was acting…
…and look at the results. Brr.
Junho 1, 2006
Messejana. A small village in Alentejo, the most rural and the hottest (at least for me) zone in Portugal. Nice place, indeed. We went there to
Maio 26, 2006
O boze (more or less like that, it means ‘Oh god’ in the beautiful language of Polish). I was very sad some days ago, because my
Maio 15, 2006
European Volunteer’s Day
Abril 28, 2006
Wizytka Rodzinki
Po 8 miesiacach w koncu ktos mnie odwiedzil – szkoda ze tak krotko.
Abril 15, 2006
Back from the holidays
It is finally time to return to work. I had a lovely holiday with my girlfriend, who came all the way from Finland to see me.
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