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Julho 5, 2018
Portugal – o país onde sonhos tornam-se a realidade
Olá 🙂 sou a Magda, uma polaca que chegou anteontem em Portugal. Nunca pensei que tivesse a oportunidade a trabalhar no país mais ocidental da Europa
Julho 5, 2018
HELLO It always starts with this word, when we try to explain our situations and express our feelings. We have to take the first step without
Julho 3, 2018
There is a country on the map of the world that can captivate you from the first day and at the end make you willing to
Junho 1, 2018
Exactly a month ago I was on my way back home from home, Portugal. I still cannot comprehend that a month has passed already. 31 days
Maio 23, 2018
Olà people! If you are future volunteers, i have a piece of advice (-cit) for you.. Nuno looks like a giant, pessimistic and scorbutic yeti, but
Maio 22, 2018
How I met my favorite Arabic girl
Salam! So Nada, I know you didn’t expect that and when you see this post you will be surprised but yes – this article is gonna
Maio 21, 2018
Diversity that brings us together?
I was wondering – does diversity bring us together or fall us apart? And unfortunately I think that usually it divides us. Sometimes we lean on
Maio 16, 2018
I really don´t want to think about it but yes – my EVS is almost over. I have about 14 days to finish the project, 9
Maio 16, 2018
EVS in Portugal: one month later
Ola, tudo bem Contigo? I am here to write about my 6 months EVS experience in Portugal, working in Miratejo with the association Rato-ADCC. In
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